Who We Are
HOMO FABER is an 100% Romanian brand that offers complete and integrated services in the field of custom-made furniture.
What We Do
We design, manufacture and setup furniture made of solid wood, MDF and plywood. We also do restorations of old woodwork. We are always aware of the environment, we recycle, and we try to naturally integrate the furniture into our client’s lives.
Customized furniture
A piece of furniture is a presence that you get to live next to for a considerable part of your life. Whether is the small coffee table in a coffee shop, where you spend a few minutes someday, or the bookshelf in your personal library, where you spend few hours every week, the furniture is already playing a part in your life.
At HOMO FABER, we try our best to bring the furniture closer to your needs, to make it more useful, more suitable and, why not, a bit dearer.

Why wood?
Have you noticed that whenever you say ‘solid wood’, you always say it with respect? That, when you are facing a new wooden object, you can’t help but exploring with your fingers? You follow its growth rings with your eyes, search for its knots with that almost childish curiosity? Well, it seems that the contact with wood immediately makes us, the humans, feel… at home.
The truth is we have a long history together, the wood and us. First material “domesticated” by man was the wood, and it was intensively used throughout every age of our civilization. The wood always puts our ingenuity to work, and we found the most diverse uses for it — some of them just decorative uses, and that says a lot about our relationship with wood.
Homo Faber and wood
The story didn’t change much in the last millennia. The man sees an interesting piece of wood in the forest and an idea arises in his mind. He takes the wood home. He puts it to dry, he cuts and tailors it, he smooths out its surface. He gives it a place and a meaning in his house. The raw, natural wood receives the shape of a piece of furniture, while the splinters and leftovers are used to feed the fire. This wooden object it’s going to be a silent witness of the lives of the family, it will be inherited and passed on for several generations, the parents will use it to mark the growth on their kids. It will age together with the family of its creator.
He is HOMO FABER. The Maker. The person who creates, the archetypal human that’s capable of making useful objects.
Ages later, the wood remains the same. Its texture, its thickness, its strength did not change a bit. However, the technology of woodworking has evolved enormously. The HOMO FABER that we propose today manages to work in wood even the most daring ideas. The computerized woodcutting technology, or CNC, allows us to really put the wood in the shape of the idea.